Intel Intellec imm6-28 RAM Board

  • Craig Andrews
  • Category intellec imm6-26

Now that the companion imm6-26 PROM board is tested, it is time to move onto testing the 5-28 RAM board.  Like the PROM board, this board has 4K of memory but it is made up of four banks of 1K 2102 Static RAM chips.  Also like the PROM board, this board had a few patches where I had accidently given a signal different net names so KiCAD left them separated.  I have run memory software tests and the portions of memory that are opened through the PROM board are working fine.  Since I have RAM and PROM, it is now time to get serious about porting my confidence test over to the intellec 8.

Like the PROM board, photographs that were sent to me by owners of original boards proved to be invaluable in deciphering low resolution schematics, thanks again!

If interested, you can watch my youtube video on the design and operation of this card.

The schematics are available here and the build files will be available there also.  I think there is sufficient online documentation on the intellec systems that i will not be making a user’s manual, intel already has that covered and is available here.