Comment Below If You Have Other RELIABLE Sources
or corrections/suggestions on existing listings
My first stop for ICs, especially those that are uncommon but not rare
Personal Favorite
Hit and Miss with ICs but fairly priced when they have what you want. Good overall source.
Personal Favorite

Norvac Electronics
Salem, Oregon
Prices target the obsolete replacement market, but once they are ready to clear something out prices can be very low
More electronic nick-knacks than vintage ICs
More electronic nick-knacks than vintage ICs
$$$$$ = Very Proud of their Inventory. If you are willing to pay these prices, I’ve got some chips to sell you.
Chip Brokers
Usually reliable sources if you are looking for at least a dozen chips
Your first stop should be Octopart which is a useful search engine for chip brokers
Usually my first contact if I am going to the chip brokers
Please add:
Standard Supply Electronics
3424 S Main Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
Done, thanks