Tag: 8085

Posted in 8085 SBC MCS-85

SDK-85? Does Anyone Want a New 8755 Project?

The first single board computer that I wire wrapped was the Intel 3-chip MCS-85 minimum system with…

Posted in Serial - Parallel I/O

SPIO v1.0 Under Test and Available

Version 1.0 of the Serial, Parallel I/O board features RS232 up to 19.2K, 24 pins of I/O…

Posted in Serial - Parallel I/O

An Updated SPIO Board is Off to the Fab House, Hopefully it isn’t as goobered up as the prototype.

Well, I really pulled a boner by not reading the RTC specification sheet for the SPIO board…

Posted in Serial - Parallel I/O

Serial – Parallel – I2C (SPI2C) v0.9 Prototype Going to Fab

An easy derivative of the SPIO (Serial, Parallel I/O) board is a version that has an I2C…

Posted in 8085 SBC

SBC-85 CPU v2.0 in Prototype

UPDATE: The SBC-85 CPU v2 is now available. Those that do not have 21V programmers for the…

Posted in 8085 SBC SBC-85 CPU v1.0 Assembly

SBC-85 CPU Board

From the time I wire-wrapped my first 8085 3-chip system (8085, 8155, 8755) I was hooked on…